State Rep. Shawn Thierry Joins GOP

Houston Lawmaker Leaves “Left-Wing Democrat Party” to Join the “Party of Faith, Family, and Freedom”

State Representative Shawn Thierry announced this morning that she was leaving the “left-wing Democrat Party” and becoming a Republican

Thierry, who represents a heavily African-American district in Houston, has served in the Texas House since 2017. She drew the ire of far-left activists and some of the most liberal members of the Texas House after voting with Republicans on legislation last session to ban child gender modification and prohibit pornographic books in schools. 

Earlier this year, Thierry was defeated by challenger Lauren Ashley Simmons in the Democratic runoff for House District 146. Simmons was supported in her campaign by several prominent liberal organizations, including the George Soros-funded Texas Organizing Project, Planned Parenthood Texas Votes, the Human Rights Campaign, and several labor unions. 

Some of Thierry’s largest donors for her campaign this year included groups that typically support conservative candidates. The Family Empowerment Coalition, which supports school choice, Texans for Lawsuit Reform, and the Texas Sands PAC all made significant contributions in support of Thierry’s re-election bid.

In a press release announcing her decision to leave the Democrat Party, Thierry cited the Party’s extremism. 

“The Democratic Party has veered so far left, so deep into the progressive abyss, that it now champions policies I cannot, in good conscience, support-policies like promoting sex changes for vulnerable children and dismantling Title IX protections for women in sports. That’s why I am leaving the left and joining the party of family, faith, and freedom,” said Thierry. “I now stand with colleagues, friends, neighbors, women, and mothers in the Republican Party.”

Elected Republican leaders welcomed Thierry’s announcement. 

“Today, I am proud to welcome Representative Shawn Thierry to the Republican Party-the party of opportunity, individual liberty, and economic prosperity,” said Governor Greg Abbott. “Representative Thierry served in the Texas Legislature for four terms until the Democrat Party abandoned her after she delivered a 12-minute speech from the House floor in favor of a law I signed to protect Texas children. Her decision to switch parties demonstrates that the radical leftist agenda of the Democrat Party does not align with a majority of Americans. I look forward to continuing to work with Representative Thierry to build a bigger, better Texas for generations to come.”

Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan tweeted, “Awesome news. Welcome to the Republican Party, @ShawnieT146! We are thrilled to have you join us in championing the rights of parents, protecting the innocence of our children, and ensuring all voices are heard. These are values you have always fearlessly advocated for, and your courageous decision to stand up for them when it matters most shows just how deeply you care for your community and its future. I look forward to seeing the incredible work you’ll do to strengthen our party and our nation. It’s an honor to work alongside you in that effort!”

Thierry is the latest prominent African-American elected official to leave the Democrat Party to become a Republican. Last year, Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson announced that he was joining the Republican Party. Johnson was a featured speaker at the Republican National Convention last month, where he highlighted Democrats’ soft positions on crime.

The full text of Thierry’s tweet explaining her decision to join the Republican Party is posted below:

As a woman, a mother, and a lawmaker, I have dedicated my life to championing the values that fortify our families and uplift our communities. After much reflection, prayer, and soul-searching, I have come to a decision that aligns with my core values and the best interests of our beloved country.

For my entire adult life, I have voted as a Democrat. I was raised in a household with my amazing parents who believed the Democratic Party was the party of the people—a beacon of justice and opportunity for all. But as the years have passed, I have watched with dismay as the party I once knew has drifted far from its roots. It has become almost unrecognizable—radicalized and increasingly out of touch with the values that millions of everyday Americans hold dear.

The Democratic Party has veered so far left, so deep into the progressive abyss, that it now champions policies that I cannot, in good conscience, support policies like promoting sex changes for children during a vulnerable stage of their lives, and dismantling Title IX protections for women in sports.

This is not the party I grew up with. I have witnessed firsthand how the so-called “liberal” left now stifles thoughtful debate, silencing dissent with an iron fist—demanding blind allegiance to ideology, where one must “comply or be cast out.” This is not the Democratic Party I once supported and represented.

The renowned poet Maya Angelou so powerfully said, “When you know better, you do better.” And so today, at such a time as thus, I am officially announcing that I am leaving the ranks and rancor of the Democratic Party elite.

I now stand with the party of Lincoln, the party that fought to preserve our Union and fought to end the atrocities of slavery. 

In 2024, the Republican Party champions economic empowerment, by investing in Historically Black colleges and universities like the one I proudly graduated from. It’s the party of parents, believing that they have the fundamental right to determine the best educational environments for their children to learn, grow, and succeed.

It is the party that fosters prosperity and entrepreneurial opportunities, enabling small business owners to not just survive, but to thrive, fulfilling the promise of the American dream.

Mothers around our country from all backgrounds, races, and communities understand that it’s our sacred duty to preserve the innocence of our children, protect them from being sexualized, and sterilized. To respect universal truths, and to uphold the rights of biological women as defined by science, nature, and common sense.

I am leaving the left because the left has abandoned Democrats who feel betrayed by a party that has lost its way, lost its commitment to hard working families. 

I know that by making this choice, my choice, I will face relentless attacks, criticism, and mischaracterization. But I will complete my faith walk. Scripture reminds us in Job 13, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.”

And so, I trust that God will guide me and cover me as I step into this new chapter of my life. It is time to shift our consciousness from the distractions of personalities to the substance of real policies. 

I will not be alone; I will be with millions of courageous women and men of good conscience, who are willing to place people over political ideology. 

So, I will continue to be a change maker and a champion for children. Censured, but not silenced, I will use my voice to amplify the voices of women everywhere —women who are willing to make waves across America. 

Together, we can nurture and protect our children by creating a safer, brighter future for them. Together, we can restore the spirit, security, and soul of America.  #txlege #JoyfulWarrior

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