“America is a S***hole,” Says Keynote Speaker for Texas House Candidate

Jeff Younger Has Attacked Ted Cruz, Called for Destruction of GOP

David Lowe, the Republican nominee for Texas House District 91, will be hosting an event next week featuring a keynote speaker with a history of incendiary social media posts attacking America and various Republican politicians. 

The speaker, Jeff Younger, is an activist who unsuccessfully ran for the Texas House in 2022. Younger was an outspoken supporter of Lowe’s successful Republican primary challenge to State Representative Stephanie Klick earlier this year, with Lowe sharing videos of Younger making false attacks against Klick and her voting record. In addition to Younger, Lowe’s event will also feature State Representative Tony Tinderholt.

Lowe is unopposed in the November general election.

Younger is a prolific poster on social media, where his comments frequently show his disdain for the United States of America and the Republican Party. 

“America is a shithole,” said Younger in a Twitter post on August 26. That same day, Younger made at least two other posts on Twitter expressing his sentiment that America is a “shithole.” Earlier this year, Younger also made posts using the same language

Younger has also been a vocal critic of the Republican Party and has called for its destruction. On August 27, he posted a video to Twitter in which he said that his activism is “probably going to go towards the destruction of the Republican Party as a political entity.” 

Republicans suck. Stop voting for them,” said Younger on December 29, 2023. 

The Texas Voice has previously reported on social media posts by Younger where he described single mothers as a “blight on society,” criticized the Christian church, and wrote glowingly of the “Unabomber.”

Ted Cruz has also been a frequent target of Younger’s vitriol. In a tweet on April 26, Younger described Cruz as an “asshole.” 

Cruz must go,” wrote Younger on January 31. 

Fuck every Texan who voted for Ted Cruz and John Cornyn,” said Younger on December 16, 2023. In another tweet posted that same day, Younger wrote, “If you voted for Ted Cruz or John Cornyn: fuck you.”

During his unsuccessful campaign for the Texas House in 2022, Younger received over $170,000 from the Defend Texas Liberty PAC. Luke Macias, a political consultant who also hosts a podcast for the website Texas Scorecard, runs Defend Texas Liberty. Younger has been a featured guest on Macias’ podcast in the past.

Lowe was also a major recipient of support from Defend Texas Liberty, having received over $200,000 from it during his unsuccessful 2022 primary campaign against Klick. Texans United for a Conservative Majority PAC, which has the same large donors as Defend Texas Liberty, gave Lowe over $385,000 for his successful rematch against Klick earlier this year. 

Lowe also benefited from false attacks against Klick that were sent to voters in the district by groups allied with Macias, such as the Texas Family Project. Texas Scorecard, which broadcasts Macias’ podcast, was forced to correct an article that contained false information about Klick’s voting record on casino gambling after The Texas Voice highlighted the falsehoods.

Macias’ Defend Texas Liberty PAC has also been a financial supporter of Abolish Abortion Texas. This controversial organization lobbied against Senate Bill 8 (the Texas “Heartbeat Act”) and House Bill 1280 (the abortion “trigger ban”), the pieces of legislation that gave Texas the nation’s strongest pro-life laws. As chair of the House Public Health Committee, Klick played a crucial role in shepherding these landmark pro-life bills through the legislative process and into law. 

The political arm of Abolish Abortion Texas, which Lowe has been a donor to, endorsed Lowe’s campaign against Klick. Leaders of Abolish Abortion Texas have recently come out in opposition to Donald Trump, describing him as “pro abortion” and saying they will refuse to vote for him in November. 

Paul Brown, the policy director of Abolish Abortion Texas, wrote last month, “I won’t vote for Trump if he doesn’t change course on abortion.”

In a recent article by Leah Savas on the Christian news website WORLD, Brown discussed how he was not afraid of handing the Presidential election to Kamala Harris. 

“Brown holds the conviction that supporting Trump in his current position as a pro-abortion candidate out of fear of Harris’ more radical policies is inconsistent with the Biblical command not to be afraid. He said losing to Harris would be worth sending a message to Republicans that they need to be strong on the life issue. “Four years of Kamala Harris is not going to be as impactful as 40 years of ‘Republican’ being a pro-choice party,” Brown said.”

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